PUBLISHED: Robotic Low Anterior Resection with Diverting Loop Ileostomy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancertapedectomy

Robotic Low Anterior Resection with Diverting Loop Ileostomy for Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer

Todd Francone, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital, Newton-Wellesley Hospital

Jon Harrison, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital

In this video article, Dr. Todd Francone at Newton-Wellesley Hospital demonstrates and narrates a robotic low anterior resection for locally advanced rectal cancer after neoadjuvant FOLFOX-based chemoradiation treatment. Low anterior resection is recommended for rectal tumors in which a 1-cm distal margin is achievable without sphincter encroachment. A key component of this operation is a complete mesorectal dissection, which is highlighted with the robotic technique. In this case, the patient had a 2.6-cm tumor located 6 cm above the anal verge, which was treated with 8 cycles of FOLFOX followed by consolidative radiation therapy. A robotic low anterior resection was performed, and the final pathology revealed a complete pathologic response.