Tag Archives: debridement

PUBLISHED: Peroneal Tendon Debridement

Peroneal Tendon Debridement
William B. HoganEric M. Bluman, MD, PhD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Tenosynovitis of the peroneal tendons is a common lower extremity problem that is often mistaken for other ankle pathology. Diagnosis is suggested with thorough history and physical examination and confirmed with radiographic studies when necessary. Patients with less acute or more severe presentation may improve with rest and physical therapy alone. When conservative management fails, surgical intervention is aimed at excising inflamed synovium with debridement and repair of any tears in the peroneal tendons. Recent literature has emphasized the increased use of tendoscopic approaches to peroneal pathology, although most studies to date have been too underpowered to suggest superiority to an open approach. This article presents a case of acute tenosynovitis treated by open surgical debridement and irrigation. Tendoscopy was deferred as the size and nature of this patient’s injury warranted an open repair.

PUBLISHED: Lateral Epicondylitis Debridement

Lateral Epicondylitis Debridement
Keenan R. Sobol, BS¹; Asif M. Ilyas, MD, MBA, FACS¹²
¹Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
²Rothman Institute at Thomas Jefferson University

Lateral epicondylitis (LE), commonly referred to as “tennis elbow,” is a common condition of the extensor tendons of the forearm that can lead to pain along the lateral epicondyle with radiation into the forearm, decreased grip strength, and difficulty lifting objects. When LE symptoms progress and can no longer be managed with non-operative measures, LE debridement may be indicated.

The approach presented here is an open debridement of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) tendon origin. A 3–4-cm longitudinal incision was placed longitudinally over the lateral epicondyle, radial head, and capitellum. The ECRB was exposed then debrided, the lateral epicondyle was decorticated, the lateral collateral ligament was repaired, the wound was closed in layers, and a soft dressing and splint were placed.