Tag Archives: epigastric hernia

PUBLISHED: Open Epigastric Hernia Repair Without Mesh for a 1-cm Incarcerated Hernia

Open Epigastric Hernia Repair Without Mesh for a 1-cm Incarcerated Hernia
Shirin Towfigh, MD
Beverly Hills Hernia Center

Epigastric hernias, predominantly described in the literature as small defects containing mostly preperitoneal fat, are located in the linea alba between the xiphoid process and the umbilicus. The risk of incarceration in epigastric hernias is influenced by the size of the defect. It has been observed that smaller epigastric hernias, particularly those less than 1 cm in diameter, have a higher risk of incarceration compared to larger ones. Various treatment options are available for epigastric hernias, including laparoscopic and open surgical approaches. This video describes an open epigastric hernia repair without mesh for a 1-cm incarcerated hernia. The technique demonstrated addresses both the correction of the hernia and the prevention of recurrence, which is crucial given the higher incarceration rates associated with smaller hernias. This video demonstration of an open epigastric hernia repair without mesh for a 1-cm incarcerated hernia provides valuable insights for surgical trainees, general surgeons, and hernia specialists. The technique showcased is particularly useful for small epigastric hernias and in cases where a rectus diastasis is present.