Tag Archives: keyhole

PUBLISHED: Open Parastomal Hernia Repair with KeyBaker Mesh Placement Technique

Open Parastomal Hernia Repair with KeyBaker Mesh Placement Technique
Michael J. Rosen, MD, FACS
Cleveland Clinic

This video demonstrates a case involving an open parastomal hernia repair with retromuscular KeyBaker mesh placement. The case involves an obese patient with a large symptomatic parastomal hernia repair after a laparoscopic end sigmoid colostomy. The CT scan shows an intact linea alba with a 7-cm parastomal defect involving the small bowel and sigmoid colon. The use of a retromuscular KeyBaker mesh placement provides the advantages of offsetting the fascial and peritoneal defects afforded by a standard Sugarbaker repair with the added benefit of reinforcing the lateral abdominal wall by performing a keyhole slit in the mesh.