Tag Archives: non-union

PREPRINT RELEASE: Bone Graft for Non-Union of Right Thumb Proximal Phalanx Fracture

Bone Graft for Non-Union of Right Thumb Proximal Phalanx Fracture
Hospital Leonardo Martinez, Honduras

Sudhir B. Rao, MD
Big Rapids Orthopaedics

Mark N. Perlmutter, MS, MD, FICS, FAANOS
Carolina Regional Orthopaedics

The patient in this case is an 11-year-old female who fractured the thumb of her dominant hand 1 year ago and now has a well-established non-union of the head of the proximal phalanx of her right thumb. Here, Dr. Rao and Dr. Perlmutter repair the fracture by harvesting a bone graft from the patient’s iliac crest and transplanting it into the fracture site. This case was performed during a surgical mission in Honduras with the World Surgical Foundation.