PUBLISHED: Pelvic Osteotomies for Cloacal Exstrophy

Pelvic Osteotomies for Cloacal Exstrophy
Jeffrey Gray1Purushottam Gholve, MD, MBMS, MRCS2
1Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University
2Tufts Medical Center

Cloacal exstrophy is part of a wide-ranging spectrum of rare congenital abnormalities resulting from the same embryological defect. Conditions include bladder exstrophy, epispadias, cloacal exstrophy, omphalocele, and more. Mortality due to complications with cloacal exstrophy was historically significant as it is among the most severe of these abnormalities. However, advancements in reconstructive surgery have improved the survival of patients. Pelvic osteotomy is typically indicated in cloacal exstrophy as it normally presents with widely separated pubic bones that require approximation as part of abdominal wall closure.