Posterior Sagittal Anorectoplasty (PSARP) for Imperforate Anus Jacob Blank1; Paulo Castillo, MD2; Marcus Lester R. Suntay, MD, FPCS, FPSPS, FPALES3 1Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine 2World Surgical Foundation 3Philippine Children’s Medical Center
Imperforate anus is a birth defect in which the anal opening is absent. This condition develops during the fifth to seventh weeks of pregnancy and the cause is unknown. It affects about one in every 5,000 newborns and is noted to be more common among boys than girls. Imperforate anus is usually present with other birth defects such as vertebral defects, cardiac problems, tracheoesophageal fistula, renal anomalies, and limb abnormalities, collectively known as the VACTERL association. The diagnosis is made by performing a physical exam after birth. An x-ray of the abdomen and abdominal ultrasound can help reveal the extent of the abnormalities.
Treatment is surgical creation of an opening or new anus to allow stool to pass. The type of surgery differs and depends on whether the anus ends high or low in the pelvis. In the case of a low type, an anal opening is made in a single operation, and the rectum is pulled down to the anus. For high type, surgical correction is performed in three stages. The first procedure is bringing the intestine out of the abdomen creating a stoma; the second procedure is pulling the rectum down to the anus where a new anal opening is created; and the third procedure is closure of the intestinal stoma. Here, we present a case of a 9-month-old male who was born with a high-type imperforate anus. A posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) was done as the second of three stages of treatment. The first was an emergency sigmoid colostomy, and the third will be to close the colostomy in about 6 to 8 weeks following the PSARP.
Robotic surgery as an approach for Bariatric surgery has been a subject of debate for at least two decades since the platform passed FDA approval. One could argue that the exponential growth of robotics in surgery could end such a debate. The robotic platform offers several advantages that are always advertised, but in the morbidly obese population it offers an added advantage. It is arguable that with the advanced ergonomics, superior visual tools, and wristed instruments the robotic platform is superior in its offerings to the surgeon and enables a wider variety of surgeons with variable skill set to adopt minimally-invasive surgery (MIS), especially in bariatrics. The gastric bypass is a technically demanding operation with a variety of steps that require superior technical skills and can be challenging for trainees and young surgeons.
Esophageal cancer is a growing problem in the United States. Surgical resection, often in combination with chemoradiotherapy, provides the only approach to offer a cure for these patients. Traditional open approaches are burdened by high levels of morbidity and mortality. Minimally invasive esophagectomy (MIE) has been proposed as an alternative approach. Although MIE is complex and perhaps more time-consuming, perioperative results are encouraging and generally trend toward fewer pulmonary complications, lower blood loss, shorter ICU stays, and shorter overall hospitalization durations.
Laparoscopic Gastric Wedge Resection for a GIST Vahagn G. Hambardzumyan, MD1; Martin Goodman, MD2 1Yerevan State Medical University, Heratsi Hospital Complex 2Tufts University School of Medicine
The stomach is involved in multiple common ailments, including gastroesophageal reflux disease, gastric ulcers, and cancer, the latter of which can take many forms. Originally, GISTs arise from the connective tissue, or stroma, of the stomach, rather than the lining, from which the more common and more deadly gastric adenocarcinoma finds its origin. However, over time, study revealed that GIST arises from a very specific cell, called the interstitial cells of Cajal, that are responsible for the timing of contraction in the stomach and small intestine. GIST masses generally behave more indolently than gastric adenocarcinoma, with distant or lymph node metastases a rare feature, although involvement of the liver and peritoneum has been described. Due to this indolent nature, certain masses, once they have been identified as GIST through endoscopic biopsy, are candidates for surveillance. However, larger masses (as identified through evidence of necrosis on imaging) and rapidly growing masses are treated primarily with surgical resection. While in the past surgical resection would have involved a large abdominal incision and a lengthy postoperative recovery, laparoscopic techniques have allowed gastric resection to become a short procedure necessitating only an overnight stay.
Thyroid nodules are common with a higher prevalence in women and the older population. They can be found in more than 50% of the older population. Malignancy risk is reported to be 7–15% depending on age, sex, radiation exposure history, and family history. Thyroid nodules can be detected either by palpation or incidentally by imaging done for irrelevant purposes. About 16% of chest CT scans show an incidental thyroid nodule. Subsequent ultrasound scans would evaluate the nodule size and characteristics. If the nodules meet the biopsy criteria based on TIRADS (Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data Systems) criteria, referral for fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNA) is necessary. This video delivers a thorough demonstration of the correct technique for ultrasound-guided thyroid FNA with rapid on-site cytology evaluation (ROSE).
Pediatric Infant Bilateral Open Inguinal Hernia Repair – Twin B Casey L. Meier, RN1; Lissa Henson, MD2; Domingo Alvear, MD3 1Lincoln Memorial University, DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine 2Philippine Society of Pediatric Surgeons 3World Surgical Foundation
Indirect inguinal hernia repair is a common procedure for premature infants because of the frequency of a patent processus vaginalis. Prompt surgical correction decreases the risk of incarceration, strangulation, and necrosis in children. There are various techniques for herniorrhaphy. This repair demonstrates an open bilateral indirect inguinal hernia repair in an infant that avoids high ligation by closing the internal inguinal ring, utilizing a purse-string method to keep the hernia sac intact. This approach limits the amount of anesthesia used and prevents excess bleeding, making it safe, effective and efficient.
This surgical video article offers a comprehensive demonstration of the colon interposition procedure, highlighting the critical operative steps and technical nuances involved in performing a successful esophageal replacement, particularly in resource-limited settings, where advanced treatment options such as gastric pull-up or jejunal interposition may be limited. Colon interposition remains a viable solution for restoring swallowing function in patients with EA or other esophageal disorders requiring esophageal replacement.
By providing a detailed visual representation of the surgical process, this video serves as a valuable educational resource for surgeons and healthcare professionals involved in the care of patients with EA or related conditions. It underscores the importance of meticulous surgical technique, vascular preservation, and careful planning to ensure successful outcomes. Moreover, the video emphasizes the crucial role of multidisciplinary care in managing these complex cases. The involvement of specialists in pediatric surgery, anesthesiology, and intensive care is essential for optimizing patient outcomes and addressing potential complications.
Hemithyroidectomy, or unilateral thyroid lobectomy, refers to removal of half the thyroid gland. The procedure is typically performed for suspicious thyroid nodules or small differentiated thyroid cancers based on biopsy via fine needle aspiration (FNA) and occasionally for symptomatic benign thyroid nodules.
At most institutions the operation can be completed safely in an outpatient fashion with patient discharge from the hospital the same day. It is typically performed via a transcervical collar incision, but endoscopic, transoral routes and remote access approach with robotic instrumentation have been described. The procedure involves mobilization of the thyroid lobe, ligation of thyroid vessels, preservation of parathyroids, protection of the recurrent laryngeal nerve, and dissection away from the trachea. In this patient, a thyroid nodule was detected and found to have indeterminate features on biopsy via FNA. A hemithyroidectomy was then performed for diagnostic purposes.
Laparoscopic appendectomy (LA) is a minimally-invasive technique distinguished by the utilization of small incisions through which an endoscopic camera and specialized instruments are introduced to facilitate the excision of an inflamed vermiform appendix. This LA video serves as an educational tool, offering unique insights into complex surgical scenarios. It demonstrates real-time decision-making in the face of adhesions from previous surgery, showcasing how to adapt standard techniques to challenging anatomy. The video provides a clear visualization of advanced laparoscopic skills, including safe adhesiolysis, cautious dissection, and proper use of surgical devices. It emphasizes critical aspects of surgical safety, team communication, and complication management.
Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) is a minimally-invasive medical procedure that creates a safe and effective route for enteral nutrition, fluid administration, and medication delivery. PEG tubes are primarily used for long-term enteral nutrition in patients with impaired swallowing or inadequate oral intake, decompression of the gastrointestinal tract, and administration of medications. This detailed video demonstration of the PEG tube placement procedure is a crucial educational resource for medical professionals. It provides comprehensive visualization of a complex procedure, demonstrates real-time problem-solving, emphasizes safety considerations, and offers valuable tips for practitioners.