Category Archives: Content

PUBLISHED: Left Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy

Left Laparoscopic Donor Nephrectomy
Shoko Kimura, MDTatsuo Kawai, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital

Over the past decade, laparoscopic donor nephrectomy has gradually replaced the conventional open approach and has become the standard of care in living donor kidney transplantations. Compared to open nephrectomy, laparoscopic nephrectomy reduces postoperative pain, shortens the length of hospital stay, and improves the cosmetic outcome. This article illustrates the author’s technique of pure laparoscopic donor nephrectomy.

PUBLISHED: Emergent Right Frontal Camino Bolt Placement for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring for a GCS Under 8

Emergent Right Frontal Camino Bolt Placement for Intracranial Pressure Monitoring for a GCS Under 8
Nathaniel D. Sisterson, MD, MScBrian Hsueh, MD, PhD; Katherine H. Albutt, MD
Massachusetts General Hospital

Intracranial hypertension is a critical concern in traumatic brain injury (TBI), with elevated intracranial pressure (ICP) significantly impacting patient outcomes. ICP monitoring is an essential component in managing patients with various brain pathologies that can lead to dangerously elevated intracranial pressure. In neurosurgical practice, accurate monitoring and timely intervention are critical when dealing with the challenges of intracranial hypertension, and its timely resolution is crucial for preventing severe neurological sequelae and fatal outcomes.

The risk of Infections or hemorrhage of significance associated with ICP devices, which can lead to patient morbidity, usually do not outweigh the benefit of continuous ICP monitoring in TBI. Therefore, these should not deter the decision to monitor ICP.

This video provides step-by-step visual guidance for placing a right frontal Camino bolt to guide optimal patient care. In this clinical case a patient presents without prior opportunity for clinical exam and with reported signs of a cranial hemorrhage, coupled with a right occipital fracture, thereby requiring ICP monitoring to proceed with further neurosurgical care.

PUBLISHED: Airway Assessment for Trauma Patients

Airway Assessment for Trauma Patients
Stephen Estime, MDAbdullah Hasan Pratt, MDNicholas G. Ludmer, MD
UChicago Medicine

Airway injury remains a leading cause of early mortality in patients with trauma. Despite its rarity, direct traumatic airway injury and tracheobronchial injury (TBI) pose significant challenges for emergency clinicians, with an estimated incidence of 0.5–2% among trauma patients. Blunt or penetrating injuries to the head, oropharynx, neck, or upper chest can result in immediate or delayed airway blockage. Trauma can cause airway obstruction by itself or by blood clots, tissue edema, or gastric contents clogging the airway lumen. The added complexity of associated spinal injuries further underscores the need for precise and timely airway assessment.

In the context of trauma patients, a fundamental aspect of care involves prompt airway assessment. The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) algorithm, a cornerstone in trauma care, outlines a systematic approach focusing on a sequential assessment and management of Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure (ABCDE), as part of the initial evaluation of the injured individual. While adapted for battle and disaster environments, the ATLS algorithm consistently emphasizes the timely assessment and treatment of life-threatening airway and breathing issues before shifting focus to circulation problems. The CAB sequence has become more widely embraced in the last ten years, surpassing the airway-breathing-circulation (ABC) model for individuals with serious bleeding injuries. When bleeding is severe or life-threatening, prioritizing control of the bleeding takes precedence over interventions related to airway and breathing․

PUBLISHED: Neuronavigation and Endoscopy as Adjunctive Tools in Orbital Floor Implant Revision: Surgical Management of Infected, Misplaced Orbital Floor Implant with Chronic Eyelid Fistula and Sinusitis

Neuronavigation and Endoscopy as Adjunctive Tools in Orbital Floor Implant Revision: Surgical Management of Infected, Misplaced Orbital Floor Implant with Chronic Eyelid Fistula and Sinusitis
Derek Sheen, MD1Cheryl Yu, MD2Sarah Debs, MD2Katherine M. Yu, MD2Alyssa N. Calder, MD2Kevin J. Quinn, MD3Dimitrios Sismanis, MD4Thomas Lee, MD, FACS2
1University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
2Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
3Mass Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School
4Virginia Oculofacial Surgeons

Orbital floor fractures represent common sequelae of facial trauma that may result in significant functional and aesthetic consequences. This article presents a comprehensive overview of the management of a revision case involving an orbital floor fracture, focusing on complications related to extruded, infected orbital hardware. In addition, common mistakes that involve improper placement of orbital floor implant, poor implant sizing, and lack of adequate implant fixation are discussed.

The featured case involves delayed wound healing and a sino-orbital cutaneous fistula (SOCF) due to infected orbital hardware from a previous orbital floor fracture repair. The discussion centers on preoperative planning, including the choice of surgical approach (transconjunctival with lateral canthotomy) and implant material. Intraoperative neuronavigation was utilized as an adjunctive tool to confirm the position of the newly placed orbital implant. This case provides valuable insight on preventable complications for this procedure, nuances in surgical approach, and uncommon challenges faced by providers who perform operative facial trauma repair.

PUBLISHED: Surgical Sutures

Surgical Sutures
Brandon Buckner, CST, CRCSTCrystal Romero
Lamar State College Port Arthur (TX)

Surgical sutures, an essential component of wound closure, are designed to facilitate the healing process. Most surgical or traumatic wounds require approximation of the wound edges of some kind. Typically, this is more often performed using sutures, rather than staples or surgical adhesives. Suturing provides a number of advantages, including reduced rates of wound dehiscence and higher resistance to tension compared to alternative methods of approximation.

PUBLISHED: Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure for Left Lower Eyelid Entropion

Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure for Left Lower Eyelid Entropion
Lilit Arzumanian, MD1Alexander Martin, OD2John Lee, MD2
1Vardanants Center for Innovative Medicine
2Boston Vision

Lower lid entropion or inversion is a common involutional inward rotation of the tarsus and eyelid margin. It is caused by a combination of horizontal laxity of the eyelid, attenuation or disinsertion of eyelid retractors, and overriding of preseptal over pretarsal orbicularis muscle fibers. These changes result in the instability of the eyelid with age. The inverted eyelid leads to constant rubbing of eyelashes against the cornea and the globe, causing irritation, foreign body sensation, and in severe cases, corneal erosion, pannus formation, and ulceration. The lateral tarsal strip procedure is aimed at addressing the causes of entropion, thus correcting the eyelid position and improving its function. Upon successful surgical intervention, normal eyelid position and function are restored. Cosmesis of the eyelid also improves. This article will discuss the preoperative assessment of the patient, the preparation, the surgical procedure, and possible complications.

PUBLISHED: Small Bowel Obstruction Following Robotic Transabdominal Preperitoneal Ventral Hernia Repair (rTAPP) Due to Barbed Suture

Small Bowel Obstruction Following Robotic Transabdominal Preperitoneal Ventral Hernia Repair (rTAPP) Due to Barbed Suture
Kathleen C. Clement, MDKeaton L. Altom, MD
Tripler Army Medical Center

Barbed suture is an increasingly popular type of suture used by surgeons across the world. It is an efficient suture that provides several benefits, including better distributed tensile strength, reduced surrounding inflammatory reaction and local tissue hypoxia, and less foreign body exposure. However, there have been a handful of cases of complications with barbed sutures over the past few decades.

This is the case of a patient who initially underwent an uncomplicated robotic transabdominal preperitoneal ventral hernia repair (rTAPP) and re-presented postoperative day two with a small bowel obstruction. This video shows the operative findings from the return to the operating room with the identification of a barbed suture that had become caught in the mesentery, causing kinking of the bowel.


Brandon Buckner, CST, CRCST
Lamar State College Port Arthur (TX)

Surgical instruments have a long history, but their modern versions have only been around for a relatively short period of time. Available in different shapes and sizes for diverse surgeries, contemporary scalpel blades and handles are typically crafted from hardened and tempered steel, stainless steel, and high carbon steel, with blade shapes designed according to their intended use. Recognized as indispensable surgical tools, scalpel blades contribute to precise incisions and minimal scarring, which is particularly crucial in minimally invasive, ophthalmic, cardiovascular, and endoscopic surgeries. Cutting in a firm and controlled way, usually at angles of 30–90 degrees from the tissues, necessitates holding the instrument in various ways, often placing a steadying forefinger along the back of the instrument. The tissue through which the scalpel is incising should also be steadied and put under a slight degree of tension.

The demonstration of surgical scalpels in this video provides valuable insights into their usage. The handles are available in different designs, serving two functions: fitting the appropriate size of surgical blades and ensuring a firm hold to reduce the chance of slipping.

Surgical blades come in sterile packaging, and the number on a surgical blade communicates both its size and shape. This video demonstration aids in understanding how each blade is tailored to meet certain demands in surgery.

PUBLISHED: Integra Scalp Reconstruction: Addressing a Full-Thickness Scalp Defect with Exposed Calvarium Along Vertex in an Elderly Immunocompromised Patient

Integra Scalp Reconstruction: Addressing a Full-Thickness Scalp Defect with Exposed Calvarium Along Vertex in an Elderly Immunocompromised Patient
Cheryl Yu, MD1Derek Sheen, MD2Katherine M. Yu, MD1Alyssa N. Calder, MD1Christopher J. Kandl, MD1Thomas Lee, MD, FACS1
1Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
2University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center

Reconstruction of full-thickness scalp defects often poses various challenges depending on the complexity and characteristics of the wound as well as independent patient health factors. Despite a range of reconstructive options ranging from primary closure, adjacent tissue transfer, and autografts to free flap reconstruction, there is no universally adopted decision algorithm.

Integra, an acellular matrix composed of crosslinked bovine collagen and glycosaminoglycan covered by a silicone membrane, is widely used for scalp reconstruction and has been shown to produce excellent functional and cosmetic results.

The featured case involves staged scalp reconstruction utilizing the Integra bilayer matrix wound dressing for an elderly immunocompromised patient presenting with two adjacent full-thickness scalp defects resulting in exposed calvarial bone over the vertex. The discussion centers on determining the most optimal scalp reconstructive option and exploring the treatment algorithm used at our institution. Furthermore, application of Integra for calvarial bone coverage will be discussed.

PUBLISHED: Mastoidectomy

David M. Kaylie, MD, MS1Adam A. Karkoutli2C. Scott Brown, MD1
1Duke University Medical Center
2Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center – New Orleans

Mastoidectomy involves the removal of bone and air cells contained within the mastoid portion of the temporal bone. Common indications for this procedure include acute mastoiditis, chronic mastoiditis, cholesteatoma, and the presence of tympanic retraction pockets. Mastoidectomy may also be performed as part of other otologic procedures (e.g. cochlear implantation, lateral skull base tumors, labyrinthectomy, etc.) in order to gain access to the middle ear cavity, petrous apex, and cerebellopontine angle.

The procedure involves dissecting within the confines of the mastoid cavity, which include the tegmen superiorly, the sigmoid sinus posteriorly, the bony ear canal anteriorly, and the labyrinth medially. Mastoidectomy is traditionally classified as: simple (cortical/Schwartze), radical, and modified radical/Bondy’s mastoidectomy. The procedure can also be classified based on the preservation of the posterior canal wall: canal wall up (CWU) or canal wall down (CWD).