PUBLISHED: Exploratory Laparotomy and Splenectomy for Ruptured Spleen Following Blunt Force Trauma

Exploratory Laparotomy and Splenectomy for Ruptured Spleen Following Blunt Force Trauma
Sebastian K. Chung, MD1Ashley Suah, MD2Daven Patel, MD, MPH2Nadim Michael Hafez, MD2Brian Williams, MD2
1University of Massachusetts Medical School
2UChicago Medicine

The spleen is highly vascular, is the largest secondary lymphoid organ, and is the most commonly injured organ in the setting of blunt abdominal trauma. Patients may present asymptomatically or with abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, or signs of hemodynamic instability. Although many splenic injuries caused by blunt abdominal trauma may be managed conservatively, free intra-abdominal fluid with hemodynamic instability warrant surgical management in the form of exploratory laparotomy and splenectomy.

This video report demonstrates the management of a patient who was assaulted, sustaining blunt abdominal trauma and a hemodynamically significant grade IV splenic laceration. An exploratory laparotomy and splenectomy were performed.

PUBLISHED: Basal Cell Carcinoma Excision from the Lower Lip with Versatile Keystone Flap for Vascularized Skin Replacement

Basal Cell Carcinoma Excision from the Lower Lip with Versatile Keystone Flap for Vascularized Skin Replacement
Geoffrey G. Hallock, MD
Sacred Heart Campus, St. Luke’s Hospital

Maintenance of intact skin throughout the body is essential to prevent dehydration, to act as a barrier to infection, to allow unrestricted movement, and to provide a normal appearance. A flap is a piece of body tissue, usually skin and fat, that always has its own blood supply. Therefore, a flap can be moved anywhere it can reach without worrying about the circulation present at the place that needs it, which is called the recipient site. When compared with all other possible choices, a flap best meets all the requirements for any area needing skin replacement.

The keystone type flap as one such option is so named because its design has the shape of the keystone of a Roman arch. If taken from loose tissues adjacent to a defect, it can be simply cut and advanced for any necessary skin coverage. Direct closure of the donor site where this flap comes from is possible so that usually a quite good overall cosmetic result is also obtained. These virtues are shown as an overview in this video where a keystone flap is transferred after removal of a common basal cell skin cancer from the lower lip.

PUBLISHED: Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of a Diaphyseal Periprosthetic Humeral Fracture

Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of a Diaphyseal Periprosthetic Humeral Fracture
Ikechukwu C. Amakiri1Michael J. Weaver, MD2
1Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College
2Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Periprosthetic humeral shaft fractures are increasing in incidence as shoulder replacements become more common. Surgical management of humeral shaft fractures can only be deemed appropriate when the degree of pain, the extent of disability, and the number of comorbid conditions are taken into consideration.

Among trauma surgeons there exists no preferred surgical approach to fractures of different segments of the humerus; however, the anterolateral approach to midshaft fractures is the most common although viable alternative approaches exist. In this case, we perform an open reduction and internal fixation of a diaphyseal periprosthetic humeral fracture with a posterior triceps sparing approach.

PUBLISHED: Bone Graft for Nonunion of Right Thumb Proximal Phalanx Fracture

Bone Graft for Nonunion of Right Thumb Proximal Phalanx Fracture
Sudhir B. Rao, MD1Mark N. Perlmutter, MS, MD, FICS, FAANOS2Arya S. Rao3Grant Darner4
1Big Rapids Orthopaedics
2Carolina Regional Orthopaedics
3Columbia University
4Duke University School of Medicine

In this video, the authors describe and demonstrate a surgical technique for the treatment of an unstable nonunion of a proximal phalangeal fracture of the thumb.

The video describes the surgical exposure, preparation of the nonunion site, harvesting of autogenous iliac corticocancellous bone graft, bone grafting of the defect, and stabilization with K-wire fixation.

PUBLISHED: Cochlear Implant

Cochlear Implant
C. Scott Brown, MDCalhoun D. Cunningham III, MD
Duke University Medical Center

For patients who present with bilateral severe-to-profound sensorineural hearing loss who have little-to-no benefit from conventional hearing aids, cochlear implants can restore hearing by directly stimulating the cochlear nerve.

This video demonstrates the placement of a cochlear implant. A standard mastoidectomy and facial recess approach is performed to visualize the round window niche and membrane. The round window membrane is opened, and the cochlear implant electrode is carefully inserted into the scala tympani. After several weeks, the patient returns for implant activation with a dedicated team of audiologists.

PUBLISHED: Open Cholecystectomy for Gallbladder Disease

Open Cholecystectomy for Gallbladder Disease
Jacob C. Mesiti1Yoko Young Sang, MD2Peter F. Rovito, MD2;
1Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
2World Surgical Foundation

Gallbladder diseases are a subset of a spectrum of pathologies of the biliary system and are a particularly common etiology of abdominal pain encountered in modern medicine. These pathologies most often share a similar underlying mechanism of disease: obstruction of a portion of the biliary tree by cholelithiasis, or gallstones.

Gallstones, for the most part, form initially in the gallbladder with the exception of primary common bile duct (CBD) stones that form primarily in the CBD. Risk factors include a wide variety of conditions both pathologic and physiologic, including hyperlipidemia, hemolysis, and pregnancy. The resulting obstruction creates a state of biliary stasis, eventually leading to inflammation, pain, and an increased risk of infection. The anatomical location of the obstruction contributes greatly to both the clinical presentation and the ultimate treatment of the disease.

A hallmark of the treatment of gallbladder disease, ranging from simple biliary colic to life-threatening emphysematous cholecystitis, is the cholecystectomy. In modernized countries, this procedure is almost invariably performed laparoscopically. However, in certain clinical scenarios, such as when a patient cannot tolerate the pneumoperitoneum associated with laparoscopic surgery or when the procedure takes place in a developing country with limited access to laparoscopic capabilities, an open approach is preferred.

PUBLISHED: Retrograde Femoral Intramedullary Nail for a Midshaft Femoral Fracture with an Ipsilateral Subtrochanteric Fracture

Retrograde Femoral Intramedullary Nail for a Midshaft Femoral Fracture with an Ipsilateral Subtrochanteric Fracture
Jason P. Den Haese Jr.1Michael J. Weaver, MD2
1Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
2Brigham and Women’s Hospital

This case illustrates a midshaft femoral fracture with an ipsilateral subtrochanteric fracture that is repaired with a retrograde femoral intramedullary nail technique. The annual incidence of midshaft femur fractures is approximately 10 per 100,000 person-years (most commonly low-energy falls in elderly females). Generally, these patients will present with pain, inflammation, and shortening of the leg.

Retrograde femoral intramedullary nail placement is one of the most prevalent methods for treatment. It was initially discovered in 1970 and refined in 1995 to have improved surgery time, bleeding, and postoperative adverse outcomes. This procedure has proven to be particularly beneficial in obese and non-ambulatory patients, and those with multisystem injuries; it also has shown some benefit in pregnant women due to decreased pelvic radiation exposure.

This case presents a woman with a femoral shaft fracture and an ipsilateral subtrochanteric fracture. Given this patient’s multiple ipsilateral femur fractures, it was favorable to intervene with a retrograde femoral intramedullary nail. The procedure was done in a supine position due to favorable imaging throughout the operation.

PUBLISHED: Laparoscopic Right Colectomy with Ileocolic Anastomosis

Laparoscopic Right Colectomy with Ileocolic Anastomosis
Joshua M. Harkins1David Rattner, MD2
1Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
2Massachusetts General Hospital

Colonic polyps are projections from the surface of the colonic mucosa. Most are asymptomatic and benign. Over time, some colonic polyps develop into cancers.

Carcinoid tumors develop from cells in the submucosa. They are slow-growing neoplasms. Carcinoid tumors of the colon are rare, comprising less than 11% of all carcinoid tumors and only 1% of colonic neoplasms. The majority of patients diagnosed with carcinoid tumors have no symptoms, and their tumors are found incidentally during endoscopy.

This is the case of a middle-aged male who had an unresectable polyp in the ascending colon and a carcinoid tumor in the ileocecal valve. The patient underwent laparoscopic right colectomy with ileocolic anastomosis to remove both lesions.

PUBLISHED: Laparoscopic Cecal Wedge Resection Appendectomy

Laparoscopic Cecal Wedge Resection Appendectomy
Ciro Andolfi, MD1Marco Fisichella, MD, MBA, FACS2
1University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
2VA Boston Healthcare System

This is the case of a 66-year-old man with a history of colon polyps, who undergoes colonoscopy every 3 years for surveillance. During the last colonoscopy, he was found to have a polyp at the appendiceal orifice. The biopsy showed the presence of adenoma.

Therefore, the patient underwent a laparoscopic appendectomy with wedge resection of the cecum. The operation went well and took less than an hour. The specimen was opened, and the adenoma was found within the lumen of the appendix, with at least 1.5 cm of clear margin. The patient was sent home the same day, and resumed regular diet and physical activities the following morning.

PUBLISHED: Exploratory Laparotomy in a Hemodynamically Stable Patient for an Abdominal Gunshot Wound

Exploratory Laparotomy in a Hemodynamically Stable Patient for an Abdominal Gunshot Wound
Matthew Daniel1Ashley Suah, MD2Brian Williams, MD2
1Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine – Auburn
2UChicago Medicine

Gunshot wounds to the abdomen are one of the most classic trauma cases a surgeon will come across in their career. The high velocity of a bullet can cause massive internal and external trauma to the abdomen. Exploration of the small bowel using laparotomy is often indicated after a penetrating traumatic injury or when peritoneal signs are present.

This video article shows the most common techniques for performing an exploratory laparotomy. In this case, the abdomen was explored and was revealed to show a through-and-through gunshot wound to the jejunum, as well as a partial-thickness tear of the proximal cecum; the abdomen was explored for any smaller bleeds or leaks, and the abdomen was closed.

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