Tag Archives: neck dissection

PUBLISHED: Bilateral Modified Radical Neck Dissection for Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma

Bilateral Modified Radical Neck Dissection for Metastatic Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Courtney Gibson, MD, MS, FACSTobias Carling, MD, PhD, FACS
Yale School of Medicine

Radical neck dissection was once the standard of care for the surgical management of patients with thyroid cancer and cervical lymph node metastases. However, due to the significant morbidity of this procedure, the development of cervical lymphadenectomy procedures that could provide oncologic cure while minimizing morbidity was undertaken by many surgeons. Such an investigation has led to the development of the modified radical neck dissection (MRND). Still, many institutions are not familiar with performing a comprehensive MRND in the setting of thyroid cancer metastatic to the lateral lymph node compartments. This article presents such an operation under general anesthesia.

PUBLISHED: Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma from the Posterior Maxilla with Wide Local Excision of the Tumor and Total Alveolectomy, Reconstruction with a Buccal Fat Pad Advancement, Placement of a Surgical Obturator, and an Ipsilateral Supraomohyoid Neck Dissection

Treatment of Squamous Cell Carcinoma from the Posterior Maxilla with Wide Local Excision of the Tumor and Total Alveolectomy, Reconstruction with a Buccal Fat Pad Advancement, Placement of a Surgical Obturator, and an Ipsilateral Supraomohyoid Neck Dissection
Daniel Oreadi, DMD
Tufts University

Surgery has been the first line of treatment for oral cavity cancer. After appropriate workup, the decision to include an ipsilateral or bilateral neck dissection is made. The patient presented here was diagnosed with a posterior maxillary alveolar tumor. The treatment plan included wide local excision of the tumor with total alveolectomy, reconstruction with a buccal fat pad advancement, and placement of surgical obturator. Additionally, an ipsilateral supraomohyoid neck dissection was performed due to the relative risk of regional metastases.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Bilateral Modified Radical Neck Dissection

Bilateral Modified Radical Neck Dissection
Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven

Tobias Carling, MD, PhD, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery
Yale School of Medicine

In 2014, a now 61-year-old male had a total thyroidectomy and central neck dissection for bilateral papillary thyroid cancer with extrathyroidal extension. Now, after presenting with recurrent metastatic papillary thyroid cancer, Dr. Tobias Carling performs a bilateral modified radical neck dissection.