Tag Archives: osteoplasty

PUBLISHED: Hip Arthroscopy with Acetabular Osteoplasty and Labral Repair

Hip Arthroscopy with Acetabular Osteoplasty and Labral Repair
Scott D. Martin, MD
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

Hip arthroscopy with femoral neck or acetabular osteoplasty with or without labral repair can be used for treatment of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Patients may present with insidious onset of hip pain and mechanical symptoms and pain worse with activity and sitting.

On physical exam hip flexion and internal rotation may be reduced and anterior impingement testing will produce groin pain in the majority of patients with FAI. Imaging may demonstrate lesions responsible for cam-type or pincer-type impingement, and MRI may demonstrate labral tear or cartilaginous lesions. Arthroscopic surgical treatment is indicated for patients who have failed conservative treatment.