Intraventricular Tumor Resection
Charite Hospital Berlin
PD Dr. med. Marcus Czabanka
Neurosurgeon Marcus Czabanka treats an intraventricular tumor found in a patient with persistent headaches by resecting the tumor via an interhemispheric transcallosal approach.
Extraventricular Drainage and Hematoma Evacuation to Treat Hydrocephalus Following Lysis of MCA Embolism
Charite Hospital Berlin
Dr. med. Vincent Prinz,
PD Dr. med. Marcus Czabanka
A patient develops signs of hydrocephalus after receiving systemic thrombolysis for a MCA embolism. Dr. Prinz and his team react to the increased intracranial pressure by placing an extraventricular drain followed by manual evacuation of the hematoma.
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