PUBLISHED: Resection of a Sphenoid Wing Meningioma

Resection of a Sphenoid Wing Meningioma
Stefanie Miller1Marcus Czabanka, MD1
1University of Central Florida College of Medicine
2Charite Hospital Berlin

Sphenoid wing meningiomas are typically benign, slow-growing tumors that may be identified incidentally on imaging or due to a symptomatic presentation from compression of a nearby structure. Located along the sphenoid wing, these tumors may infiltrate or compress the optic nerve, oculomotor nerve, cavernous sinus, or internal carotid artery, causing neurologic deficits such as visual disturbances, headache, paresis, and diplopia.

Surgical resection is considered the first-line treatment for a symptomatic meningioma, but is often challenging due to tumor proximity to these critical neurovascular structures. The most important prognostic factor for recurrence is the completeness of the surgical removal of the tumor, but this goal must be adapted to preserve neurologic function based on individual tumor location and invasion. Here we present a case of a 43-year-old patient diagnosed with a sphenoid wing meningioma after presenting with episodic difficulty speaking and aura-like symptoms who underwent total neurosurgical resection of the tumor via craniotomy.