Category Archives: Otolaryngology

PUBLISHED: Transmastoid Repair of Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence

Transmastoid Repair of Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence
C. Scott Brown, MD; David M. Kaylie, MD, MS
Duke University Medical Center

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SSCD) is associated with conductive hearing loss, autophony, and pressure/sound induced vertigo. Patients who are symptomatic may elect to undergo surgical intervention.

Here, Dr. Kaylie demonstrates the transmastoid approach to repairing SSCD. This approach affords the opportunity for an outpatient procedure to expose and plug the canal around the defect.

PUBLISHED: Botox Injection

Botox Injection
Charles R. Woodard, MD¹; Alexandra L. Elder, BS²; Helen A. Moses, MD¹; C. Scott Brown, MD¹
¹Duke University Medical Center
²Thomas Jefferson University

Botox injection is one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed. Botox temporarily paralyzes targeted skeletal muscles of the face, reducing the patient’s ability to produce unwanted dynamic wrinkles. Commonly treated areas of the face include the procerus and corrugator supercilii muscles to treat glabellar frown lines, the frontalis muscle to treat horizontal rhytids of the forehead, and the orbicularis oculi muscle to treat “crow’s feet” wrinkles along the lateral aspect of the orbit.

A thorough facial analysis is necessary to develop a treatment plan for each problem area, particularly by engaging the patient to determine what his or her goals for treatment are. Providers must take care when injecting into the face to avoid complications of overtreatment, such as brow ptosis from over-injecting the forehead or elevated brow from over-injecting the periorbital muscles.

PUBLISHED: Myringoplasty and Tympanostomy Tube Placement

Myringoplasty and Tympanostomy Tube Placement
C. Scott Brown, MD; David M. Kaylie, MD, MS
Duke University Medical Center

Eustachian tube dysfunction can often cause otitis media, tympanic membrane perforation, or conductive hearing loss. In this video article, myringoplasty was performed using a CO2 laser that provided reorganization of collagen fibers and improved compliance of the tympanic membrane. Given the ongoing eustachian tube dysfunction, a pressure equalization tube was placed to prevent recurrent retraction and atelectasis of the eardrum.

PUBLISHED: Endoscopic Stapedectomy



Endoscopic Stapedectomy

Scott Brown, MD, FACS
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Michael E. Hoffer, MD
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Benjamin Park
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

In this video, Dr. Scott Brown performs an endoscopic stapedectomy for the treatment of conductive hearing loss. He explains his technique and the advantages afforded by adoption of the endoscope in ear surgery.


PUBLISHED: Bonebridge Implant


Bonebridge Implant

Scott Brown, MD
Duke University Medical Center

David M Kaylie, MD, MS
Duke University Medical Center

Cecilia G Freeman
Duke University Medical Center

Bone conduction implants can improve hearing in patients with conductive or mixed hearing loss as well as in cases of single-sided deafness (SSD). The patient in this case previously underwent resection of a vestibular schwannoma via a middle fossa craniotomy that ultimately resulted in SSD. Here, Dr. Kaylie at Duke University Medical Center demonstrates the step-by-step surgical technique for the Bonebridge implant to allow sound transmission from the patient’s deaf ear to the contralateral cochlea via bone conduction.


PUBLISHED: Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy Under Local Cervical Block Anesthesia for Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Parathyroid Adenoma

Minimally Invasive Parathyroidectomy Under Local Cervical Block Anesthesia for Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Parathyroid Adenoma

Tobias Carling, MD, PhD, FACS
Yale School of Medicine

With improvement in both preoperative parathyroid tumor identification and the use of intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay, minimally invasive parathyroidectomy (MIP) is now performed more frequently in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT). Still, many institutions are not familiar with performing MIP under regional or local anesthesia. Here, Dr. Tobias Carling presents an MIP performed under local cervical block anesthesia on a patient with pHPT and parathryoid adenoma.

PUBLISHED: Zenker’s Diverticulum: Endoscopic Staple-Assisted Diverticulotomy

Zenker’s Diverticulum: Endoscopic Staple-Assisted Diverticulotomy

Seth M. Cohen, MD, MPH1David Straka, MD1Blaine D. Smith, MD1Douglas O’Connell, MSc2C. Scott Brown, MD1

1Duke University Medical Center
2College of Osteopathic Medicine, Touro University California

In this case, a patient with a symptomatic Zenker’s diverticulum is treated with an endoscopic staple-assisted diverticulotomy. The clinical presentation, diagnostic criteria, surgical procedure, and postoperative care are highlighted.

PUBLISHED: Trans-Oral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach (TOETVA)

Trans-Oral Endoscopic Thyroidectomy Vestibular Approach (TOETVA)
Yale School of Medicine

Courtney Gibson, MD, MS, FACS
Assistant Professor of Endocrine Surgery
Yale School of Medicine

Tobias Carling, MD, PhD, FACS
Chief of Endocrine Surgery
Yale School of Medicine

In this case, Dr. Tobias Carling and Dr. Courtney Gibson at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale New Haven perform a TOETVA on a 45-year-old patient who presented with a growing thyroid nodule that was shown to be a Hurthle cell neoplasm on fine-needle aspiration.

Numerous minimally-invasive approaches to thyroidectomy have been developed over the years to minimize the neck surgical scar, many of which are performed using endoscopic or robotic assistance. However, a more diminutive anterior cervical scar still remains a problem for some patients, as well as more extensive dissections for remote access operations. Therefore, natural orifice surgery was adopted at select institutions in an effort to perform a truly scarless thyroidectomy. Trans-oral endoscopic thyroidectomy has been the latest approach developed, known as the natural orifice transluminal endoscopic thyroidectomy, which is categorized as a natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) procedure. There are several ways to perform the natural orifice transluminal endoscopic thyroidectomy. Here, the authors present the TOETVA under general anesthesia.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Endoscopic Stapedectomy

Endoscopic Stapedectomy
Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

C. Scott Brown, MD
Neurotology & Lateral Skull Base Surgery Fellow
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Michael E. Hoffer, MD
Professor of Otolaryngology and Neurological Surgery
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Endoscopic ear surgery can improve visualization of critical structures. In this video, Dr. Scott Brown performs an endoscopic stapedectomy for the treatment of conductive hearing loss. He explains his technique and the advantages afforded by adoption of the endoscope in ear surgery.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Temporal Bone Dissection (Cadaver)

Temporal Bone Dissection (Cadaver)
Cranial Access, Neuroanatomy, and ENT Surgery (CANES) Lab

C. Scott Brown, MD
Neurotology & Lateral Skull Base Surgery Fellow
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

Cadaveric dissections of the temporal bone are a critical part of learning otologic surgery in residency. Dr. Scott Brown, neurotology fellow at the University of Miami, performs a step-by-step dissection of the temporal bone. He outlines key anatomical structures and describes safe and efficient techniques for these procedures.