Tag Archives: Sterile Field

PUBLISHED: Back Table Setup for an Open Umbilical Hernia Repair

Back Table Setup for an Open Umbilical Hernia Repair
Devon Massey, CSTShirin Towfigh, MD
Beverly Hills Hernia Center

Surgical instrument tables are considered as basic furniture for the operating room (OR). The largest table, typically rectangular or “L”-shaped, serves as a central hub for arranging and storing sterile supplies until needed during surgical procedures. The Mayo stand is an extension of the large table. It is small, height-adjustable, and intended to hang over the operating table and hold instruments and other sterile items for immediate use and within easy reach for the scrub nurse. Both the large table and the smaller Mayo stand are often referred to as back tables.

The specific equipment and arrangement of the back table may vary depending on the type of surgery and the surgeon’s preferences. This video provides a detailed, step-by-step guide to the back table setup for an open umbilical hernia repair surgery. It covers the preparation of the surgical field, the handling of sterile supplies, and the organization of the surgical tray. Additionally, it discusses the importance of adhering to sterile technique and the surgeon’s preferences during the procedure.

PUBLISHED: Opening Sterile Surgical Instrument Containers

Opening Sterile Surgical Instrument Containers
Brandon Buckner, CST, CRCSTCrystal Romero
Lamar State College Port Arthur (TX)

In contemporary healthcare settings, the need to balance efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and environmental responsibility has led to the widespread adoption of reusable containers for surgical instruments. This video demonstrates the advantages of employing reusable rigid containers for surgical instruments, using a laparoscopic set from Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas as a case study.

PUBLISHED: Opening Sterile Surgical Packs

Opening Sterile Surgical Packs
Brandon Buckner, CST, CRCST
Lamar State College Port Arthur (TX)

Surgical site infection (SSI) poses a significant risk to patients undergoing surgery. The prevalence of SSI is influenced by various factors. Within an ideal perioperative environment, exclusively sterile surgical instruments are employed. Care should be taken to thoroughly explore all methods of maintaining a contamination-free operating room (OR) environment.

The proper opening of sterile surgical instrument packs has critical importance in maintaining aseptic conditions in the OR. This video demonstrates all the nuances of this process, emphasizing the importance of package integrity checks and adherence to strict protocols for sterile surgical attire.

PUBLISHED: Surgical Technologist Prepares the OR for a Case

Surgical Technologist Prepares the OR for a Case
Lauren Beausoleil, CST
Massachusetts General Hospital

Establishing a sterile field, opening and organizing equipment and supplies, and preparing the operating room (OR) for a case are the foundations for ensuring an environment conducive to a safe and efficient operation. Surgical donning of gown and gloves is an integral component of infection control in the OR. Healthcare professionals must adhere to strict protocols to protect both patient and healthcare worker safety. Proper training, vigilance, and attention to detail are crucial in maintaining a sterile environment before and during surgical procedures. This article explores key considerations for healthcare professionals as they open up surgical equipment, establish and maintain a sterile field, doff and don gowns and gloves, and prepare the OR for a surgical procedure.