Since we are entering the very exciting phase of turning from a start-up into a young company, I am finding that I am sifting through more and more resumes (thank you Tech Generation). Here is some feedback on what we are looking for. Continue reading Resume Advice: 3 Do’s and Don’ts
Testimonial: Tony Tsai, MD, Attending Anesthesiologist
“I like your databank and feel that instructional videos that are easy to pull up are a great way to review anatomy and think about surgery before the surgery happens. You have an impressive list of subscribers.”
Tony Tsai, MD
Attending Anesthesiologist
Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center
Testimonial: Michael Nasr, MD, Research Fellow, Medical Editor
As an aspiring orthopedic surgeon; my intention in this post is to share a bit about my experiences as a medical student and to articulate the role that JoMI plays in my advancement.
Orthopedics is a challenging field to enter – its growth matched by its competitive nature. One is always looking for an edge. In order to show dedication and interest in the operating room, the most useful asset for a medical student is to come prepared – to know the case, the anatomy, and even the particulars of the different surgeons. Having the opportunity to scrub-in is additionally advantageous to display competence at a level where little is expected. As a student, I would look to my library, colleagues, and online forums to find resources to invest my time preparing efficiently. Continue reading Testimonial: Michael Nasr, MD, Research Fellow, Medical Editor
Orthopedics Fact Sheet / Recommendation
Click here to download our updated fact-sheet and a letter of recommendation for our Orthopedic content.
Testimonial by a Medical Student: Serving the Needs of Medical Students
“If you’re a medical student like me, choosing a specialty is a hard thing to do. This is especially true for surgical specialties where it’s hard to quickly see what different surgeries are like without spending at least a 2-week block shadowing. So I went to Google to search for a video of a surgery I was interested in: cervical laminoplasty. The problem is that the results were terrible. Some were low quality animations, and others weren’t able to give me the information I was looking for as a medical student. This problem illustrates that need for a service like JoMI, where I can reliably find high quality and high yield videos and information about many different surgeries all in one place (case in point: cervical laminoplasty with Dr. Louis Jenis).”
Eric Schwaber, MD/MBA Candidate at Tufts University School of Medicine.
JoMI Announces Collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital
Massachusetts General Hospital Partners With JoMI To Film And Publish Top Surgeries For Online Medical Journal., 1/14/2015 – Boston, Massachusetts – The Journal of Medical Insight (JoMI, announced today a collaboration with the Department of Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the number one ranked hospital in New England and number two in the Nation, to publish their top surgeries and provide an online virtual operating theater experience where surgeons and students globally learn from leading surgeons at MGH. Continue reading JoMI Announces Collaboration with Massachusetts General Hospital
Diatribe on Medical Education
I am a medical student, and I do not attend lectures. Given the sheer volume of information medical students are expected to learn (or memorize for examination purposes), attending a lecture can be very inefficient. Obviously, not all students share my habits, but anecdotal evidence (of my peers in medical programs across North America) suggests that a significant proportion of students (if given the option) do not attend lectures in person. Most students read the instructor’s slides (to become familiar with the learning objectives, again for examination purposes), and listen to audio or video recordings of the lectures (often at 2x normal playback speed) in the weeks leading up to an exam. Continue reading Diatribe on Medical Education
We are thrilled to partner with Basch Subscriptions, Inc.
Basch offers flexible software and web-based solutions for subscriptions and e-content in medical, academic, corporate, and government libraries.
JoMI featured (in Chinese!) on the Far Eastern Memorial Library page
JoMI Reviewed in Doody’s Collection Development Monthly
Doody’s Collection Development Monthly, the renowned reviewer of healthcare information, has published a great review of JoMI in their August newsletter by UCSF Library’s education and information consultant for medicine, Evans Whitaker, MD, MLIS.