Category Archives: Announcement

PRINT RELEASE: Arthroscopic ACL Reconstruction with Bone Patellar Bone Graft using Anteromedial Technique

0045-265204-featuredArthroscopic ACL Reconstruction with Bone Patellar Bone Graft using Anteromedial Technique
Xinning “Tiger” Li MD
Division of Sports Medicine, Boston Medical Center


Dr. Li addresses an ACL torn after a pivot shift incident using a BTB autograft. The anteromedial approach to ACL reconstruction offers the advantage of reliably reproducing the native anatomy of the ACL on the femur footprint by drilling the femoral tunnel independently of the tibial tunnel.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Pelvic Osteotomies for Cloacal Exstrophy

0102A-screenshotPelvic Osteotomies for Cloacal Exstrophy
Purushottam Gholve, MD MBMS MRCS
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon
Assistant professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

Dr. Gholve assists pediatric urology team at Tufts in treating a cloacal exstrophy by sequentially closing the pelvic ring with controlled osteotomies.

Congratulations to Xinning “Tiger” Li, MD!

tigerli-articleJoMI extends a warm congratulations to one of our authors, Xinning “Tiger” Li, MD for receiving the ​2015 North American Traveling Fellowship from the American Orthopaedic Association. This is one of the highest honors in academic orthopaedics. For more details on this prestigious award and Dr. Li’s background please see the Boston Medical Center’s original article, found here: