Why are JOMI Video-Articles So Long?

On occasion, we get an inquiry along the lines of “Why are JOMI’s video-articles so long? Why don’t you make shorter videos? That would be so helpful!”

Short videos are tremendously helpful. Eventually, we may begin offering shorter content alongside the long-form articles. However, the goal of JOMI is not to do quick reviews, but to offer long-form virtual shadowing experiences. JOMI is a unique resource offering a deeper educational experience.

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SERIES RELEASE: Basic Skills for the OR

Basic Skills for the OR
Lamar State College Port Arthur (TX)

Brandon Buckner, CST, CRCST
Program Director, Surgical Technology
Lamar State College Port Arthur (TX)

This series covers some of the basic skills, surgical instruments, and sterile techniques commonly used in the operating room. Topics include scalpels, sutures, staplers, laparoscopic instruments, and how to open sterile surgical packs and instrument containers.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Open Proctocolectomy for Hirschsprung’s Disease

Open Proctocolectomy for Hirschsprung’s Disease
Romblon Provincial Hospital

Marcus Lester R. Suntay, MD, FPCS, FPSPS, FPALES
World Surgical Foundation, Philippines
Training Officer of the Division of Pediatric Surgery
Philippine Children’s Medical Center

In this case, Dr. Lester Suntay performs a proctocolectomy on a 4-year-old male with Hirschsprung’s disease while on a surgical mission in the Philippines with the World Surgical Foundation.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Loop Ileostomy Closure

Loop Ileostomy Closure
Massachusetts General Hospital

Richard Hodin, MD
Professor of Surgery
Massachusetts General Hospital
Harvard Medical School

The patient in this case is a 29-year-old female who had a long history of medically refractory ulcerative colitis. Three months ago, she underwent a laparoscopic proctocolectomy with ileoanal J-pouch reconstruction and loop ileostomy. Here, Dr. Richard Hodin at MGH reverses the ileostomy.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Squamous Cell Carcinoma Excision from Right Forearm with Split-Thickness Skin Graft from the Thigh

Squamous Cell Carcinoma Excision from Right Forearm with Split-Thickness Skin Graft from the Thigh
Hospital Leonardo Martinez, Honduras

Geoffrey G. Hallock, MD
Plastic Surgery Consultant
Sacred Heart Campus, St. Luke’s Hospital
Allentown, Pennsylvania

In this case, Dr. Hallock performs a right forearm squamous cell carcinoma excision followed by a split-thickness skin graft from the thigh. It was filmed in Honduras on a surgical mission with the World Surgical Foundation.

PREPRINT RELEASE: Basal Cell Carcinoma Excision from Lower Lip with Keystone Flap Reconstruction

Hospital Leonardo Martinez, Honduras

Geoffrey G. Hallock, MD
Plastic Surgery Consultant
Sacred Heart Campus, St. Luke’s Hospital
Allentown, Pennsylvania

In this case, Dr. Hallock performs a basal cell carcinoma excision followed by a Keystone flap reconstruction. It was filmed in Honduras on a surgical mission with the World Surgical Foundation.

The New Gold Standard for Surgical Videos