Testimonial by a Medical Student at Universite Libre de Bruxelles

“I was mostly browsing around for surgical videos with in-depth explanations in order to be better prepared for my upcoming rotations and gain a wider exposure to the field. Overall I was really impressed by the quality of the website. It’s great to have the step-by-step explanations along with the articles beneath the videos and the clear vantage points used for filming make things very easy to follow and understand. I’ll be regularly checking for new uploads.”

Medical student at Universite Libre de Bruxelles

Testimonial by a Patient’s Father

“Last night my 15-year-old son and I viewed a video of the shoulder surgery that he may need. We are hoping that physical therapy will make the surgery unnecessary, but it was reassuring (in fact amazing) to see the state of the art for this particular procedure. It inspired confidence in me that a surgical outcome would likely be quite successful, and I think it eased some of my teenage son’s natural fears about undergoing any surgical procedure. JoMI has provided a great service for which we are grateful.”

Father of patient

Congratulations to Xinning “Tiger” Li, MD!

tigerli-articleJoMI extends a warm congratulations to one of our authors, Xinning “Tiger” Li, MD for receiving the ​2015 North American Traveling Fellowship from the American Orthopaedic Association. This is one of the highest honors in academic orthopaedics. For more details on this prestigious award and Dr. Li’s background please see the Boston Medical Center’s original article, found here: http://www.bmc.org/about/news/BMC-Orthopaedic-Surgeon-Awarded-Prestigious-Fellowship.htm

Stop Feeling Useless – How to Improve Your Shadowing Experience

Premed blogMore often than not, shadowing is a pain. Getting the honest attention of a doctor as a pre-med student regularly ends as a futile attempt at trying to live out some dramatic fantasy. As a requirement for medical school, shadowing is a necessary evil.

Most students put too many expectations on their ideas of what shadowing will be like – I know I did – and thus leave the door wide open for disappointment. It’s not our fault! We’re entitled to our expectations and a lot of times they’re valid.  Shadowing, however, is one experience that left me wanting.  Does it have to be that way?

Having discovered JoMI, I am here to say: it does not.  As someone entering medical school, I’m compelled to share my opinions on how JoMI can make shadowing as a pre-med, and presumably a med student, better meet our expectations.

Continue reading Stop Feeling Useless – How to Improve Your Shadowing Experience

The New Gold Standard for Surgical Videos